LADY LIKE A visual narrative that engages gender as a mode of constraint Like the ways we’re hemmed in but the stiches are different. Like can we breathe beyond the seams? Like how much is woven in place? Are you putting it on or taking it off? Like performing against polite praise. Will it be a nice trim if it’s shaven? Like I’ll touch you before I touch myself. Like to be in the presence of hunger. Like the language of survival can’t be spoken. Like I open my mouth anyway. Is the noose like a necklace or is that cut bias? Like the sweat and the swear. Like the way the light changes by just being there. Like where is the lining? Like what I choose to expose. Like the landslide away from the slit of your gaze. Like the way it all gathers. Like darts of unexpected angles when chased. Like the pricks that we flinch for. Like looking back. Like how much is tailored to a fit I can’t recognise? Is that the pattern? I won’t make your signs of understanding... Unlike A collaboration between: fashion designer, Anmari Honiball; illustrator, Alettie Marx; stylist; Melissa Maxted-Henderson; and photographer; Bianca Theron. Make-up and Hair: Alex Botha and Lesley Whitby (Lampost) Models: Hauwa Dauda (Ice Models), Tiffany Freeman (Boss Models), Sio Roi King, Sam Moffat (FanJam), Joa Nel (FanJam) Makungu Ntoni (FanJam), Emy Ozori (Boss Models), Annah Seroalo (FanJam) Photographic Assistants: Claudia Monyamane and L’mir Erasmus Stylist’s Assistant: Tatum Guercio